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tuijoverse versus metaverse

Metaverse, hyped, questioned, carried to the grave and then not. In search of a definition that satisfies everyone and everything. And what is Apple doing? Is VisionPro coming as the new changemaker? Many believe in the third dimension and its communicative power. XR will be it, AR and VR in combination. Many are certain: the web will interweave immersively with the analog world. What about the tuijoverse?

The similarities

Three-dimensional expansion through social VR

The three-dimensional in the digital is the extension that gives room for imagination and new worlds. Whether metaverse or tuijoverse, this is true of both. We all lack the comprehensive experience of creating these worlds for our purposes. What they mean to us, how we move in them, behave, what they bring us, that is still fresh and cries out for exploration.

Marketing students in Münster have been setting out to experience the metaverse for 2 years. There they learn to assess spatiality. A highly regarded study by the chair of Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau has shown that work results in the metaverse can be compared with those from Zoom and Co. There is no better on either side. But if you look more closely, you can see differences. The interactions in an immersive 3D world definitely bring advantages, but these are compensated by the disadvantages of working with VR glasses. Technical progress will certainly contribute to that changing in favor of a metaverse as well.


Learn to walk in 3D

Regardless of the technical developments, however, it is clear that we will be moving into VR environments. Organizations and many individuals are setting out and gaining new experiences to find out how and with what spatial can help them.

Spatiality can help us understand more complex relationships. We can change dimensions and become part of micro and macro structures that remain blocked to us in the analog world. In 3D, it is possible to recognize and make transparent relationships that require an extraordinarily high transfer performance on paper or in two dimensions. Phenomena, products, models of thought - their communication can be rethought in the three-dimensional, enriched with interactively retrievable meta-information, with layers of knowledge that can be switched on and off.

It is understandable that we first have to learn how to deal with this 3rd dimension. Many media formats have their justification - 3D is not always superior. We are just beginning to fathom where spatiality guarantees us a gain in knowledge.


Multi-user mode for community with intertones

Besides the space, there is a second commonality between tuijo and the metaverse offerings. The shared experience! To put it simply: we are in multi-user mode. Shared interaction in the virtual world is the lubricating oil of successful use cases. Today, anyone who goes to an online store scrolls through product worlds and reads the comments of others. If you're lucky, you can talk to a bot that responds more and more elegantly, step by step. So a conversation is possible, but not a human one.

To what extent we want that and whether that feels appropriate when it's not about shoes but about socio-cultural exchange is something we will decide as a demand community. Market mechanisms will be relied upon here. How important is it then that the conversation can be re-established in the spatial? An online store with staged worlds in which knowledge or products are available for presentation and in which experts accompany us and take away uncertainties in an individual way, condense information or package it in a human way. Retail consulting will then take on a new dimension.

The differences

With own face and without avatar

Avatars are getting better, are now getting legs, people are experimenting with gestures to get as close to our ego as possible. Or perhaps even as far away as possible from who or what I am. Then they are welcome, these clothes that make people. There will be a large group of people who appreciate avatars, move with them, and click together a different identity with them. But what if I don't want that at all? Neither with me nor with my interlocutors? What if I want to be me? Then avatars are Second Best. In contrast to the metaverse, tuijo delivers the camera stream into 3D space and people remain human.

Web integration instead of standalone application

tuijo is a web application and can be wonderfully integrated into websites. With it we open the gate from 2D into the 3D world - that's how you have to imagine it. Without additional expensive hardware, simply with the same equipment that was enough to ride through the pandemic. This means that providers who build a 3D world based on tuijo are not excluding anyone. The barriers to entry are low.


Accessible for all

With tuijo we offer a tool that excludes no one, that enables VR in an honest way. We break down barriers - it's the fast track to a metaverse experience.