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Almost like metaverse - only more personal!

With tuijo, you can make every website three-dimensional and - even better - experience it together.

  • Made in Germany
  • VR remote landscape without VR headset
  • Web-based SaaS platform

More room for space

No more two-dimensional websites. Fill the whole room with your ideas! Spaces enrich our imagination, also create in-between spaces, closeness and distance, you name it! Diverse virtual worlds emerge that surprise and convey topics and knowledge in a completely new way.

Stay human

With your own web cam, without artificial avatar, It feels good that the others are also moving in space, undisguised with their own face. It's easy and fun to enter the third dimension on the web. Creative storytelling, informal networking or inspiring talks - everything is possible, without a puppet-like avatar.

Powerful platform

With tuijo, new virtual adventure parks can be created. They are independently configurable and can be saved as scenes and templates as often as desired. As SaaS, the tuijo platform offers everything you need to start a new tuijoverse :).

Creates new virtual worlds for inspired conversations.

Why? Because we need spatial environments to express ourselves on the web.